In honour of World Poetry Day, we have decided to share two poems written by two of our authors Corinna Edwards-College and Francesca Tyer.

Image from Unplash
Corinna Edwards-Colledge
Choose your words carefully
They matter
They are not ephemera
They are bricks and mortar
Choose your words carefully.
They can be the sail that speeds the boat
Or bitter thugs
Pressing the knee upon the throat
Words of hate make more hate
Words of love make more love
Words are the fish, the rod and bait
Words are the hand inside the glove
Choose your words carefully
You could open a heart,
Tear down bridges
pull mountains apart
Choose your words carefully
They are not anonymous
They are your children
consequential and autonomous
Words of fear make more fear
Words of hope make more hope
Words close our eyes or make us seers,
Words are the scaffold and the rope.
Black and white words
Young and old words
Left and right words
Yes and no words
Rich and poor words
Cold and warm words
Less and more words
High and low words
Sharp and soft words
Stop and go words¬¬¬
Found and lost words
Life and death words
Choose your words carefully
Their footsteps are just behind you
Corinna Edwards-Colledge, January 2022

Image from Unplash
For All Time
Francesca Tyer
These are the diamonds of man, Riches sprung from caves of the mind, depths of the soul. Passed from lover to lover, mother to child, Twisted by tongues of time. In cloudy seas of sorrow, they voice the falling tear
which cannot grieve alone. Loved, hated, cursed, forgiven, since time began, Changed by the passing years. In poetry, book, and song, Formed in inky black as mysterious as the sky. The ever-changing circle unites as one, The everlasting word.
Francesca Tyer, 2017
Happy World Poetry Day to one and all!