V.K. (Veronica) McGivney

Veronica McGivney ‘s childhood was spent in a small seaside resort on the Isle of Wight where her mother ran a guest house for holidaymakers during the summer months.
After leaving school, where her main claims to fame were persistent truanting and producing caricatures of the teaching staff, she studied modern languages and spent some years in France before pursuing an academic career.
Veronica now lives in a leafy area of Brighton where she divides her time between writing fiction and painting. As well as the Aftermath psychological thriller series (Aftermath of a Murder, Aftermath of a Party and Aftermath of an Affair), she has written a sci-fi thriller, (Inheritors of the New Kingdom), a comic novel, (A Reluctant Hero), and a collection of short stories, (Ghosts, Resolution and Revenge), some of which have been short-listed in national short story competitions.
Veronica writes fiction under her initials VK to distinguish it from the non fiction written under her full name.